Once again the African Agri Council is proud to present the Investment Discovery Sessions (IDS).
The IDS project pitches and face-to-face meetings focus on investment in the most innovative and
competitive projects or businesses in African agriculture. The IDS are developed for accredited
investors and financial institutions seeking investment opportunities across the agri value chain as
well as agri executives and entrepreneurs searching for capital for their businesses. The IDS are the
hunting ground for investment ready agri projects!
If you have not registered as a delegate, get in touch today!
Exclusive opportunities for Agri executives to present their projects to qualified investors
ZAMBIA Fresh Lusaka Market Food Hub, Zambia
Sean Moolenschot – Savenda Global Capital Partners
The development of a formal, commission-agent fresh produce market, retail precinct and food hub to be constructed on the south-eastern outskirts of Lusaka, Zambia.
LADOL Free Zone (SSEZ), Lagos, Nigeria & SSA
Claire Klintworth – SYSTEMIQ
Currently developing the pioneer LADOL Free Zone in Lagos over four phases, an SSEZ offering a diversified sector mix, including agricultural processing.
Citrusdal Upper-Olifants Dam options and Olifantsriver system, South Africa
Boet Mouton – Chair, Citrusdal Water Users Association
Kobus van der Merwe – Vice-Chair, Citrusdal Water Users Association
A proposed PPP project will unlock future economic development opportunities over the whole Olifants-Doorn region, and irrigation water supply to new BBEE projects.
Taveta Farms, Kenya
Shamba Limited. Nilay Malde & Partners
Taveta is a designed as a large scale commercial Agricultural venture covering 17,000 to 30,000 acres
using pivot irrigation for precision agriculture and modern agronomy practices to yield high quality, high productivity and year-round production of high value export crops including pulses and seed maize for domestic and international markets, principally to India, Middle East and EU Markets, with virtually the entire output to be covered by forward purchase agreements.
Processing factories: Raisin drying, paste & syrup, peach drying, pecan cracking, vine leaf harvesting, South Africa
Peter Kuilman – Redsun Raisins (Keimoes, Eastern Cape)
A project to build a second raisin processing factory in a high raisin production potential region, and a venture to build a pecan cracking plant to serve the fast developing pecan crop of South Africa in order to diversify the SA pecan market to sell pecan ”kernel”.
Massingir Citrus project, Mozambique
Tertius Strauss – All About Fruit
Mozambique is uniquely positioned for a major drive in food security development. All the major variables are present, land, water, labour and access to overseas markets and the Government is driving policy to ensure stability in the food processing fields. The Massingir Citrus project aims to develop a World Class Citrus Production Unit that can produce 1. 3 million cartons of fruit once the Orchard reaches early maturity, working with DP World in Maputo Port to reach markets seamlessly, and providing work for large numbers of workers combined with an aggressive skills development
Urban Farms, South Africa
Surisa Nel – 100by2030
100by2030 aims to build 100 sustainable urban farms that connect young farmers directly to the market in urban spaces. The ASDA builds and manages urban farms profitability in partnership with tech partners, and hands over successful businesses to owner-operator beneficiaries after
skills transfer.
Contact Julia Barton-Hill for more information