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Far too often, the African continent has been perceived as an unpredictable place for business. Very few success stories are celebrated, more so in food and agriculture - the continent’s business and investment narratives are as important as our campaign to drive private sector investment in African food and agriculture.

The African Agri Council is proud to announce that the African Agri Investment Indaba will now co-locate the Agri Investment Indaba Awards. The annual awards acknowledge and celebrate innovation, sustainability, profitability, scalability and entrepreneurship in African food and agriculture. A global platform that promotes a narrative of success and reward excellence, as the continent achieves food security.




Benchmark Your Achievements

Our independent judges mean your entries are benchmarked against some of the best in the industry. This is a great opportunity to see how you, your team and your company measure up.


Stand Tall In the Industry
The high profile of the awards and their independent judging process means your company and people will stand tall at the forefront of the industry, a strong point of market differentiation


Build Team Profile
The awards give your team an opportunity to receive acclaim from captains of industry and their professional peers.

Connect with Industry Leaders
Join hundreds of guests at this powerful networking opportunity, including government representatives, high profile industry leaders, CEOs and some of the most influential people in the food and agriculture industry, as they celebrate and share their achievements.


Gain Great Exposure
The awards is a fantastic opportunity for the industry to celebrate its successes and honour individuals, projects and companies whose achievements stand as an example for the industry to follow. Our marketing campaign will be working hard to highlight those successes on the local and international stages, through our media and marketing partners.




Associate your organisation and its leadership with a high profile independent benchmark of the food and agriculture industry’s impact. Align your brand with the best initiatives, organisations and professionals driving development across Africa.



The awards ceremony and dinner will provide high value networking opportunities for your leadership and business development teams. Guests include Ministries, Ambassadors, CEOs and the who’s who of the industry.

Brand Recognition
The pre-, during and post-event PR and marketing campaign will provide extensive brand recognition and help align your brand with excellence, innovation, sustainability and the best of the best in the industry.

Business Development
The awards reception and ceremony will give your team the chance to meet and engage with new and existing contacts in a celebratory atmosphere. The event attracts decision makers and influencers.


Contact our team if you wish to get involved as an award sponsor. table sponsor, award judge or award nominee


General & Judging Queries -


Award Sponsorship Queries -


Award Ticket & Table Queries -


Award Nomination -

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